I received a message from my friend and ALR member, Bill (Bunker) Roller that there was a mission out in Dos Palos, Ca (Translation: two sticks, per my wife) and ALR was to stand in for a group that couldn't make a commitment to deliver Easter Baskets to the police dept.
Now that sounded to me like something that was worth a ride! And I've never been there before and that is always a plus, I love new places! And the weather was fair, except the early am... bit on the chili side!
This was a one day notice and that made it even more important, ALR was to show up and look good!
ALR did a great job! 27 bikes showed up!! Fantastic!!! I thank all that rode!

I like to take pics of bikes, as I ride PGR missions and not allowed to take those pics, so bikes and folks that attend are my focus I do it to thank them and show respect for what they do.

The other side of the bikes.

The Dos Palos Police Dept escorted us into town, yeah, we broke all the laws and then we staged at this parking lot.
When we left the parking lot, we ran all the stop signs and thru town with the police leading us with flashers on!
They took us around the "target area" twice, circling the blocks and we were.... well... making noise! A lot of folks knew we were there! The second trip was to make sure! I like their style!

We finally parked our bikes and the unloading began... there were tables of candy... Bunker's wife is on the left, she had a hard time warming up after the cool ride here...

Tables of Easter baskets, what you see is a small portion... the entire floor in front of the desks, all the desk counter and the area behind the desks were full...

A little better shot...

The police blocked off the entire street... and they even let us park in the red zone! GBG

Goldie flying 'er flag...

This pic is precious! The little girl was frightened of the Easter bunny and the package and wanted no part of it!

She finally warmed up.. ( they all do... GBG)

The line was long and they still had more to give out,.

Here's Easter bunny giving out a package. They actually had to get folks to come in to get the rest, there was so much! It was heart warming to see children receiving the gifts.
Remember when you were a kid? The hunt, the sugar high? One day a year, and it looked like fun!
And then the reward for good work! The police dept opened up the "lunch room"!!! Roast, potato salad, mac salad, chili, pizza, drinks... they did GOOD!
I think I speak for all ALR that rode, thank you Dos Palos for the invite and welcome! It was a pleasure and an honor! God Bless!