ALR has done a BBQ for the Vets at Livermore VA Hospital for the last 3 years and I've made them all... The first one hurt a bit as I was just gettin' off a accident happening but it is nice to visit with them.. My health care is the VA and maybe you will see me some time! Be nice, 'cause I'll be Cranky!!! GBG

Just arriving and a group came in behind me. I got there about 1045.. and told folks that "second shift" had arrived! The rest were just toooo early for this ol' fart!

Sweet Ruby front and center showin' off her new flag holder!
Blog about gettin' a hitch for my git'along! GBG

We had lotsa folks! Very good turnout! Thank all that showed up, and thanks to Bruce and Lori for herding the group, and Bunker and Mad Dog for their efforts!

Took some shots while I was eating...

Mad Dog "covered us"! GBG brought in some shade! Really helped! Lots of folks visiting together and with the Vets. This is the first of this months weekly BBQ's, they have one planned for every week end. Outstanding! The Vets deserve it and they appreciated it also!

There were a couple speeches and a old timer was honored and he was very appreciative! God Bless him and thank your for your service. On one of my trips thru the hospital, I visited with a gent, he joined the military in '42, a year before I was born! And he was sharp as a tack, nice visit with him. I'm 67.. just to date the gent.....

This is Jack. I played his bingo cards. I don't know how, but I played his cards last year too! OK, Lady Luck was better this time! He won -3- bingo's!!!! He was VERY happy, and so was I.

Great day with great folks. God Bless 'um and may they live long and comfortable.