Al "Mad Dog" was running amuck in the Santa Cruz hills and called Bruce and Lori and said "hey, meet us at Alice's at 1200! So they sent out a message to our ALR District 13 group and a ride was on the books.
I wanted to go... nothing is simple, had some painters coming on ride morning 06/05/10 and the dark blue didn't match... wife had to get some more and it was crowding my time, but it all came together!!

Got to the staging place, Gary and Sandy's scoot in front and Bruce and Lori on the left and my Sweet Ruby in tailgate position. That's when I got the story about 1130 instead of 1200, not to worry, we did get there with 10 minutes to spare..

Bruce, Gary, Sandy and Lori.

Cranky gets into the picture????!!!!!!! Lori stepped out and took one, thank Ya!

Well in pulls Larry (Stinger) Yates! I'll let him tell that story... GBG He has a nice new to him scoot.

We arrive at Alice's safely, and Bruce/Lori were in front leading the pack, and may I say made a great ride leader. He rode like I like, the speed limit, no hurry, safe and sane. Thank you for doing that and calling the ride.

Here comes the Indian Run riders. we passed 'um at a georgeous overlook on 35, it's about 6 miles south of Alice's and the view of the valley floor is just outstanding. On the way back, Stinger and I stopped and I took some pics... later in the blog...

They just keep comin' in.....

Now here comes "Trouble"! And his handle IS Trouble! Hey! He's not even on an Indian! See what I mean! Glen (Trouble) Palmer one of the first I met in my early PGR runs beginning in March 06. I used to run far and wide out into the valley in the early years, and back then is when I met Al (Mad Dog) when he was central Ca PGR ride captain. I met and rode with many, rode long runs, like they did back when we didn't have many folks. Great folks. Scooter is further down...

Getting ready to go in for lunch, just milling around.

Mad Dog made it!!! Lookin' good! Gary sayin' hi!

Here is ALR District 13 table, Mad Dog back to us...

I had a back up plan if I had problems!! GBG But then I ride a Vulcan... ducking and running!!!

The lady with the pink shirt, was part of the Dalton Gang! GBG She's the sister of the infamous Bob and Dan Dalton, Wiserguy and Garlic Indian, Dan was with us when we were in the Gilroy Memorial Day Parade and we won Best of Show!!! How about that!!!!!???

Here is a pic of David (Scooter) Bolten on the left and I hope I've not misspelled many names, sigh... I met him in one of my first PGR rides too, Trouble, Scooter and Mad Dog were a bunch of runners for PGR missions, no way could I keep up...
From my ride log, 04/01/06 PGR-Scooter Turlock, Ca 222 miles, 5 hours, 66 bikes showed. Thank you for what you do and did! Lots of miles.... And I have more Scooter entries for RC....

ALR District 13 table having a visit...

Just to prove we were there.

Lotsa machines out there, some great lookin' bikes and lotsa Indians.

Lori got a pic of Stinger, Bruce and the Cranky dude... I ate one whole sandwich and look fat, what's wrong with that???????!!!!!!! Had to be the lighting... Well, I got back home and cranked 14 miles and a good hill in some heat, and hope I atoned a bit... sigh...

When we passed this vista point, we'd all seen it, but as we were passing by, Al and the Dalton Gang were there so we tooted 'um up and kept going. I had to stop to take some pics for the blog, Stinger was with me... Sorry Larry, I think it's a good 'nic... and the fact that I turn 67 Tuesday and you're 10 years older... well, something worked for you!

My el' Cheapo can't do it justice...

I was worried I couldn't make the run, and am damn glad I did!!! Great weather, folks, food, scenery, ride... and Stinger got to follow my car tire down 9, Tell 'um what you thought about following a car tire.... I'll update my blog.... it falls into a turn with a quickness and being a radial... is deceptively smooth...