ALR cooked up a great BBQ for the Livermore VA Hospital Vets and it was a great thing and great day! We had District 9, 10, 13 and 28 did a great job, good on Ya!
The weather was a tad on the warmish side.. but worked out fine... Dist 13 staged at 564 and took off about 1000 and a good showing. We had 7 bikes, and two 2-ups... we did have a "non-rider.. ahem", Jake and his boy! I have the feeling Jake will be back on his scoot soon! He looks like he has that "I want to ride" glint in his eye!

As we take off.... I noticed Ed had cleaned his scoot, looking good!

Heading out to he bikes... Audie and Cheryl and Mike "Noisy Kid" in the back...

We arrived and well we parked where we could... lots of bikes...


... duh... GBG

Here's that Noisy Kid again.. pic taken by Cranky! Guess we get along! GBG

Here's Spike saying "Go Army!!!!!" GBSEG

Nice display of flags...

Just some pics... ALR folks talking to and serving the Vets....

Rich coming over to say HI!!!!!!!!

Another happy Vet! Smile on his face! That's what it's all about! God Bless 'um!

The police were even there to celebrate! was that to make sure we stayed in line... GBG

Now here is our hard charging leader!!! GBSEG!!!! Scoping out his plan of action! Sorry Jake I couldn't resist!!!! Hey, you carry the camera, you tell the story!!!!

This is where the root beer floats were being made and folks were carrying them to the Vets. I helped one of them and he wanted real root beer... well, it was all diet, think they were worried about the patients, and too much sugar.. I told him so so he took second best.. Well the ice cream went fast and he said "can I have more????!!!" Heck Ya!! Got him 2 more scoops... He was one happy camper! He thought about seconds..... but he said... I don't think I should..

The serving staff and I think "someone" was making sure the food was still good!!! GBG They did an outstanding job! God Bless 'um for the work they did!

Here's the Root Beer Float Team again!! That lady in the middle had a wicked right hook! She was slapping ice cream a mile a minute!!! Good on Ya!!!!

So I went into the hall were the bingo was going on and Rich's boy was helping out...
I got to help out a Vet for a few games, think he enjoyed it, unfortunately,.... my luck did rub off on him.. but there were a few smiles!

They have a great set up there...

Well, the pics were being taken... why not! GBG
It was a great day and I hope all the Vets enjoyed it as much as I did! God Bless 'um all and may they live well and comfortable. They most certainly deserve it!
I want to personally thank District 28 for all their support! Thank YOU for this great event!
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