Our new ALR Dist 13 President inherited an event that turned out to be an annual one, Easter Baskets for Dos Palos!!! He spent some time there and knows the town and wants to support it. The event is scheduled for the Saturday before Easter. So next year get some Easter Baskets and come on out!
I didn't do a bike count, but we had at least 5 cages and I'm guessing 60 scoots! Real nice turn out! Thanks to all that rode / showed up! And it took some character, it was very cold in the early hours!
A later posted update from Al Mad Dog Cook, our new VP. Thanks Al!! Please note the vehicle count was MUCH higher than I estimated!
All,Another late post, Chappi's Phanfare link:
What a Great Day! Did I mention that it was a Great Day! If you were not there, you missed the smiles on a lot of kids faces (and their parents faces also)! The ability to give was awesome!
First of all; round of applause to our ALR District 13 President, Bunker, for coordinating this event with Post 564, the Dos Palos Police, other ALR Districts that participated; other groups such as CROSS that participated and several unaffiliated individual riders who showed up in support. (the Dos Palos Mayor, Police Chief, Officers and Dispatch were very appreciative - since this goes a long way to help them locally extend their 'good will' to the local population).
Also, thank you all for praying for good weather, because the good Lord smiled on us and gave us a dry day and kept us all safe on our trek.
All told - (at the Rally Point near Dos Palos) about 90 motorcycles, 7 or 8 Trucks and Cars packed with Baskets!
Bad News - none really. As far as I know, no accidents or unfortunate mishaps, great weather, even greater fellowship and joy.
Not So Bad News - we will work this harder in preparation for next year. This is a District 13 mission, and we will get the communications out early for next year.
On the Objective: We were overwhelmed by the needs of the community and the families that showed up. As it turned out, we were about 1/4 short of the total 'Easter Basket Gifts' that were needed. A collection of several hundred dollars, from the riding participants was collected, and Bill and other 'hard core' members of Post 564 took off in different directions and different trucks and cars on an emergency Easter Basket resupply mission to the area Target and Walmart stores to make up the difference. We all bit our nails at the long line of anxious children as we awaited their return with more Easter Baskets. Then they came back, one vehicle at a time with everyone rushing the new Easter Baskets into the building from the side door.
Mission Accomplished!
Personally, I would like to add that it was a pleasure to observe the unselfish participation of each and every one of you who got out there and put it on the line to show who WE are and what we represent. This is especially important since many that we served during the event are either new to the USA or are 1st generation and it is events like this that enforce what WE stand for.
Semper Fi,
ALRDOC District 13 Vice President
Al Cook
Mad Dog (because of my 'ever so pleasant' disposition.............sometimes...................;-)
Note (1) - Please update your email address book to use this email address for me (Al Cook) mad_dog@legion-riders.com as I will shift all of the Post and ALR business to this address to manage it properly. You can always get me at my other yahoo email address or NASA email address if needed.
Note (2) - Please send your photos of this event to Bunker.
(unreduced size to http://www.legion-riders.com/upload.html Cranky)
Note (3) - We are currently working on improving the District 13 web presence and will post pictures sent, in the near future.
From Cranky's Blog - which I think most of you already got an email from him on.
---- end of update -----------

I'm just shooting some shots at the staging point, Bunker in blue in the center left.

More scoots...

My good friend on the left, Tom H.

Gene B in the center left facing me from Dist 28 and they had many riders here!

3 more Dist 13 riders coming in. Mike A, Gary and Sandy R.

Bunker about to have his say-once and Chappie to give us some good words.

Scoots and cages behind me,

....and more in front. The Dos Palos police have arrived, two cars and a scoot to escort us into town and run us around the city for a bit of noise making!

Pulling into the block in front of the Police and Fire stations, everyone looking for a spot to park.

My sweet Ruby front right.

Lori and Bruce P.unloading their pink bunny! More Dist 13 riders.

Gary R. taking in his goodies.

This is the line waiting in front for their goodies.


Lots of baskets! Bunker and a few collected a few hundred dollars and went basket shopping in Los Banos because we ran out! I'm sure some kids were sad, it's a shame... Tom and Nancy E on the right with their POW/MIA patches.

The Police Station greeter! Looks like she liked her job! GBG (Great Big Grin)

Some of the guys posing with the kids.

Another shot, Bunker on the right in blue.

Here you can see the line going down the street.... this is why we ran out!

Nice doggy! Police dog!

This little guy wanted to sit on all the scoots! I gave mom my card, she'll email me and I'll send her the pics, both print and view size.

Any he could sit on! He had a hard name to remember.... Bill, but I managed... it's my name too! GBG
A great run, Bunker, put in for warmer weather next year! And we might have to establish a fund and do a group buy of 150 baskets! Buy in volume and get a grunch at cheaper prices!
From Dist 13 we had Bunker our new President, Maddog new VP (and thank you both for stepping forward!) , Gary and Sandy R, Bruce and Lori P, Larry L, Mike A, 'course the Cranky dude... and great supporters that ride many missions with us, Tom and Nancy E.
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