- Begin Amanda and Audie update notice. -- 01/17/10
Go down to the line below that says:
- Begin update from Amanda and Audie - THANK YOU!
to update ends! GREAT pics!!! Great run!
-- end of update ---
Audie works at the Menlo Park VA and arranged for ALR / PGR, and basically anyone riding a scoot to attend the annual car and scoot show. It was a great day all around!

We staged at 564 at the ungodly hour of something before 0800! GBG We had 8 scoots, and Mike and Suzy Ammons arrived in their 64 Ford Falcon pu hauling a couple scooters, pics later. We had two 2-ups for a total of 12, real nice showing for the Vets! Thank you all that attended.
Reese, George, Manny, Audie, Cheryl, Jake and I and I missed one and think it was Matt.

Waiting to take off... "someone" was LATE!!!! GBG

So we arrive at our staging place, scouted rest rooms and watched all the great looking cars coming in.

Mike and Suzy's scoots, they were a hoot! Nice in town run abouts!

Cheryl was passing out sweet treats, I managed to resist, no place to store that kinda stuff!

The POW/MIA 'vet showed up! It is VERY WELL decorated!

Mike and Suzy had to go stage their scoots and rode them back. Guess they will run around 40 mph or so, great little run about for in town.... I'd think they make a good local commute scoot also.

A close up.....

Another group of scoots came in and joined up. Rolling Thunder from San Jose, I don't think I've seen them before, I'll keep my eye out for them in the future.

Well, as Audie works there, he knows all the folks and layout. He arranged for 4 scoots to go inside the lock down where folks are receiving meds and need a bit of isolation.
I never drove inside before! GBG We went thru a double set of doors and a corridor to a patio.
----------------- Begin update from Amanda and Audie - THANK YOU! -----------------------------

Sgtmaj was there with his grandson, he was a hoot! Great kid! Think Gran'paw is proud!!! GBG And off to lockdown....

Riding up the sidewalk to the doors... We had to go thru two and a hallway, never rode inside before!

Audie doing a state trooper dismount, he had to help the staff get the double doors open on both side of the hallways.

Waiting for Audie to break the doors open, So we could ride into the patio.

Audie made it!!!

Jake made it!

Reese made it!!!

One struggler... GBG

This guy came out dressed for the visit and was great!

I think the staff got as much of a kick out of this as the patients! I know Amanda was just pleased as punch, she did great! Thank you!

More staff shots... on Reese's scoot...

A staff member on Audie's scoot.

OK, this guy was special, I spent a lot of time with him and he was called the Professor, and he really is, has multiple high level degrees and runs a music class and lives about two mile from me! He really wanted to get a scoot. Hope he gets well and does it!
He wanted to try on my helmet, call it done!

The cranky dude, Reese and Jake with a couple patients.. (actually, I was afraid they wouldn't let me out!!! GBG)

Reese, myself and Jake with a patient on Jake's scoot.

Well, they were lined up to sit on Jake's scoot! And it IS gorgeous and has a great set of glasspaks!

Well the Professor wanted a pic on my sweet Ruby, how could I say no? GBG

Well, it was line up for Ruby time!

Back to Jake's scoot, I have to tell you, these folks were absolutely tickled we came to visit them! The staff mentioned that it is unusual for ALL of them to come out, and they did! I think the staff got a hoot out of it too!

That looks like a biker grin to me!

The grins just keep comin'!

Jake's scoot was very popular!

Another patient saying VAROOM!!! in his mind! Right on!

This lady was a WW II nurse! God Bless her!!! Thank you for visiting with us!!!

Reese get's another pic...

Reese had a great looking scoot.

The Professor wanted to try my helmet out.. why not!

I think he had a sweet spot for Ruby!

Amanda took this pic of us leaving. It was a great visit!
----- End of Amanda and Audie update ---------

Audie, Jake, Reese and I went inside and I have to tell you, it was a fantastic visit! They really enjoyed our being there and they loved the scoots!
Jake in front of his scoot, and the young lady that was our escort, IIRC, her name was Amanda.

Audie's scoot, Cheryl taking some pics....

Reese and his scoot behind him..... BTW, getting our scoots staged inside and getting around was just a tad bit dicey! We got 'er done tho.....

And of course, the star of the show!!! GBG Hey, it's MY blog! Ruby!!!!!
Now here is something extra special, Amanda took pics of those that wanted to sit on our scoots and we lined up behind them, I think every of of the patients got their pic taken.... I heard that Amanda is going to do a slide show and send it out, and I want those pics!
We were told not to take pics of the patients, but it was OK for the VA, so we'll have to wait for Amanda's pics....
The looks on their faces as they sit on the scoots was precious!! One, called Professor, wanted my helmet on, as he sat on Ruby, helmet face down and up, He said he's going to get a scoot when he gets better. I told him to be sure and take the MSC!

After the lock down visit, we made a bunch of noise and went to our final staging point. Cheryl and I scouted out the rest rooms... walked thru a gym and that table was all the gifts that were to be given to the Vets.
Everyone was given tickets when we arrived, we were to talk to the Vets and get their name and bldg number, write it on one half and give the other half to the vet so they could win something during the drawing. It also gave us a great reason to talk to them and get them to talk to us.

We staged here, note the sidewalk and curb.... getting out of there was a challenge! But all made it, we didn't leave any skeletons! GBG

Another set of scoots......


Wheel chair accessible with hand controls... real nice!

Well looky here!!! A young man with a vest!!! First thing he said to Reese and I was "I'm Sgtmaj's grandson!!!" Reese was gonna tease him and ask what was a sgtmaj?? But he was so bubbly, he didn't....

I've always dreamed of owning this car, GTO, 65 IIRC, and it was gorgeous!

Did I say gorgeous??? Wow!

I had to take this for my wife, we go to an old time theme restaurant, they have a profile of this car on the wall, same colors.

Waiting for hamburgers, and they were good! Quite a spread! I think the drivers and riders out numbered the Vets! Way to go! Thanks to all that attended!

Interesting Vet, notice the side door pointing up.....

This old early 60s Thunderbird was just sparkling!

A Navy PT Cruiser well done!!!!

Look at all the decorations in the back, and the trailer was nice too!
The whole day was great, and I'm still super pleased for the time that Audie, Jake, Reese and I were able to visit with our special Vets! It was a great interaction!
Thanks again Audie for making arrangements to get ALR District 13 into this event!
I have to post this... I spent a lot of time with two gents, for those there, remember the guy that I put my helmet on and he had some pics sitting on Ruby? He wrote his info out and gave it to me, I just got around to reading it:
Prof, Dr ........, MD, PHD, MBA, and runs the ........ School of Music. Pretty darn impressive! And the coincidence is that he lives two miles from my house!
The event broke up after lunch, so Reese and I dug ourselves out of the gravel pit and headed out. I got home in time to crank 16 miles and work off some of that lunch!
This was my second day in a row of big lunches, and needed the cranking!
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