San Jose Veterans Day Parade! Folks come down to see a parade, .. so why not go???!! I think they enjoy the scoots, and we honk and make noise! Guess we like it too!
And I got to see many friends, the best of the best!
So we staged at our lurking place on 1 st, I get there at 1000 and KSU was 1015... folks are firing off!! Headed down town! Didn't even get a pause for the cause!!
So we were pretty nice but the intersections were ours... once we own it, we take it so our line doesn't get broken up... not seen any folks not observe or respect it.
Nice and safe trip and that counts!

The guy on the left is Jim, he was walking around later and said, you don't have an American flag pin! And handed me one, and by golly, now I do! Thank you my friend!!!!

I'm trying to get the scoots in a pic and I can't, there had to be over 60 scoots there...

I like these scoots! They'll get you around town and I'll bet they're a lot of fun!

Hyster got to escort this young lady on a ride!

Now here is another young lady in front of a real nice ride! I won't guess as to the service.

Earl wanted to get into the pic.. Good on Ya! Thank you both for your service!

This is Jake's trailer with 11 flags, it looks great in a parade!

You like cleaning chrome? The entire bike is chrome!

Off we went!! OK, starting and stopping,..... part of the mission...

Tried a blind shot over the helmet, deleted the first one of my helmet, sigh....

When we stopped I tried to take a pic or two...

Notice we are not moving... lot of that, 'course I wouldn't be taking a pic. otherwise.... but it gave us time.. under the overpass... to rack pipes and honk horns!!! Did I say I HAVE A 139 DB AIR HORN!!!!! I make NOISE!!!!!!! GBG

I love the fire trucks and their flag hanging.... I've gone thru a few, normally headed to a cemetery....... sigh May those serving NEVER have to pass under... God Bless ALL that served!!! Happy Vets Day!!!!!!!!!

Manny, one of our Dist 13 ALR Riders, he was down for a while, glad to see him riding again!

Just taking shots when I can....

We're getting into the meat of the parade and more folks.... this is where they do Christmas in the Park.

We're around the park area headed towards the grand stand...

Lots of folks, great to see them enjoying the day, and the weather was great!

Scoots and folks!

This had to be a school group... hope they had a great time, I did!!!

It's an honor to ride and remember our Vets! God Bless them and family and friends, past - present - future!
Thank ALL that rode today! God Bless - ride safe, rubber side down!
There were many groups today, many clubs, Thanks! I'd like to mention one... The Cross Ministries....... ride on Keith....
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