***** UPDATE!!! 07/05/10 Gary and Sandy R. sent me some pics taken during the parade, included and noted below. Thank you BOTH!!!! ******
*** Second update, Their Bog of ALL their pics link! http://picasaweb.google.com/felix4482/PATRIOT?authkey=Gv1sRgCP3ojLqm3Pqmaw&feat=email#
4th of July... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ what to do but get a late cup a coffee... sigh... Bunker sets us up for a parade at some Un...darned early.... but then we get to visit Tom Ballard and then Bunker gets to be taste tester... I'm gettin' a sense here the decks stacked!! GBG
I did slap the alarm clock but managed to get to the parade staging a whopping 5 minutes before parade start! But I figured, why stand around, stop, pull in the clutch and go! GBG
We were waaaaayyyyy in the back so I got to shut Ruby down for a while.

We had a pretty good showing! Mike and Suzy A had their scoots in front, Georgie (Nice to see you sweetheart!). Slick John brought his old bike WITH THE GOOD HORN!!! not his squeaker, Bruce and Lori, Hy with his hack and friend, Bunker, Santa Clause - the hit of the parade and BBQ!!! and the Cranky dude...

Gary R. pic. Bunker at staging. Thanks to Gary and Sandy for the extra pics!!

Did I say we were wwwwaaaaayyyyy back????

But by 1020 we started and stopped.... a lot, but that's what parades are about. Slick John, Bunker and Lori and Bruce... Santa is in front of Bunker with his raft of flags.

Hy, Suzy and Mike....

Better shot of Hy and his hack, I was shooting blind... but then I always am, sigh....

Georgie got out to visit with us!!! Great on Ya!!!!

I love a parade.... the guy who wrote that did NOT ride a scoot.... note the operable feet position.

Georgie and Slick... lookin' great! She had to leave the parade, she was running low on gas and it was hot!

Better pic of Slick from Gary R.

I finally took the opportunity to run up to a group of folks, stop, and give 'um a toot from my 139db air horn and wave! They loved it! So did I!

Gary R. pic of the Cranky Dude at one of my stop, toot and wave visit with the crowd!

Just got this from Dave E. Thanks!

Gary R. pic of Bunker.

A well attended parade, and it was in an older section of town and the streets were tree lined and today, that was great! Very warm! My Kawasaki Nomad radiator fan kept kicking on to keep the scoot cool, would not be without a cooled scoot... JM2C

Suzy and Mike, the Jeep in the middle was apparently well received, Mike said later, Whoever had it was well known, and the crowd liked them much, raised a ruckus as they went by.

Gary R. pic of Mike and Suzy A.

This is where the street was very wide and Santa and I went all over the place to stop and hoot the crowd up! We had a great time!

Here is a good shot of Santa having a great time! And he has a BUNCH of flags!!!

And a much better shot from Gary R.

Gary R. pic of the group.

Gary R. pic of Hy in the parade.

We finally get to staging and cool down a bit. Parking across the street....

And our line of scoots. When we left we went and visited a wounded Vet and Bunker took up a donation for him as he's at a stage of difficulty and we wanted him to know we are there for him and he has friends. There was a list of things we could buy, but we figured that they knew better than us what to get.

We visited for a while and got to know his family and I'm waiting for a pic from his dad to add to the blog, with him and all of us. I was a very special moment and very honored to be there!

After leaving we stopped at a gas station... Santa and I had to go.... Bunker needed gas and the station only had 87, so on to another station.... but Santa an I were VERY happy!!! 87 works for me, but not Bunker.

We get to Tom Ballard's place a bit early, around 1335, the BBQ was scheduled for 1400, but we needed a cool drink and that was great for us! He had awnings lined up and covered his entire yard, and with a breeze, we were VERY happy! It had been a hot morning! Sweet Ruby in front, lookin' real great! Santa to the right....

You can see the shade awnings behind the scoots.

Tom giving us his annual "thank you" speech for being here, the thank you's come from all of us for such a treat!!! Thank YOU Tom!!! God Bless and Love You and Comfort you! I'm sure Ken was smiling as wide as the sky and I'm surprised we didn't here some thunder! I hope at some point your phone call to the "trainer" worked out fine!

Here is a ww II Jeep in great condition, and it was in the San Jose parade with us! Thank you for being here and there!

That's Roy C behind his scoot in front, looking at my trunk. He's test riding a 1800 Wing, at a great price and it's weighting very heavy on him, he loves it.....
BUY THE *)@_%@$*#) THING!!!! At that price I would be tempted! .... but I don't want a Wing.... GBG
Last shot of the scoots, we had 9 and a Jeep, and Steve's truck flying VERY high!!! Later Dianne and Doug came in followed by Rich M and wife, both of the guys just getting back from RFTW, great to see 'um back and safe, many miles.
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