Late add, a slide show of the poker run. It looks great! Wish I would have gone on it! Went on one and did NOT like it, this was a great one! (Link to photos)
Gold Star Poker Run Fundraiser Started at Post 419 and after a few stops went to San Bruno, Ca for a BBQ, music, drawings and quite honestly a great get together for a lot of good folks that don't very often ride just for the fun of getting together.
One of the stops, I found out later, I don't do poker runs, was a visit to GGNC and I really wish I would've gone!
On a much more serious note, it was to honor our fallen and some were parents of the fallen that attended, God Bless 'um and Prayers of support in their loss.
There are Blue Star and Gold Star parents, Blue Star have children serving and Gold Star, have lost theirs while serving.
On a good note, the weather was pretty good, as the band and the food! Thanks to James Brown and wife and Gold Star Dad Kevin Graves, a real good event and they've promised to do this every Labor Day Sunday in the future... Plan on it and hope to see you there!

As I said, I don't do poker runs, did one and did NOT like it, apparently they are not all the same... So I decided to run up to the finish point a bit early, scoot number 1!!!
Lynn Tross on top of the steps scoping things out. She is an outstanding volunteer and rides her Hummer to many events, brings water and snacks. Thank you for what you do!!!!

The welcome shade and the band warming up in the far right corner.

The volunteers setting up. God Bless 'um for all the support they give our troops!

Kevin Graves son.

Like I said, the shade was appreciated!

Here comes the Poker Run crowd! Led by Mike and Suzanne Ammons! I heard many good comments on how he ran the event! Great on Ya Mike!

Here they come down the ramp and around to the parking area...

I believe the guy with the red shirt is Skip, and IIRC he said he was around 87 and doing great and a long time veteran and I've seen him at many events. Live long my friend! I chatted with him for a while before the scoots arrived. We are both hard of hearing and it makes conversations interesting! GBG

Lining up the scoots, row 2 forming.

Here is Brada Panak and wife, Big Jake made a surprise visit - GREAT to see you!!! and Georgie made it too (big hugs)- and Rich Martin in front with his VERY nice new 02 Illusion Blue wing! He loves it! Don't know the front rider....

Lining up and gettin' the stuff off....

Rich with his very nice scoot! Did I say he loves it? GBG Look at the smile!

The table I was at, Big Jake center Georgie to the right, back to us. Panak and wife at the right end, Sandy and Gary Ragsdale on the right, far side.

I missed Tom Ballard, Gold Star Dad far left end of this table far side, giving me a wave, and to his left is Dianne Layfield Gold Star Mom and it was great to see them!
To the Blue/Gold Star Moms from all over that did this, God Bless and thank you for your support of our troops and their parents!
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