(11/14 UPDATE - just added 2 pics at the very bottom of the Cranky dude! GBG)
09 Parade: http://alrblogseries.blogspot.com/2009/11/alrpgr-san-jose-2009-vets-parade.html
08 Parade: http://alrpgrsanjose08veteransday.blogspot.com/
Guess I didn't do '06 and '07 blogs, sigh...
It was a great day for a GREAT celebration of Veterans Day parade in San Jose! The turn out was fantastic, must of been 80+ scoots and by golly, we all made noise!
It was a crowd pleaser and we were first in line! Outstanding and thanks to all that rode!!!

I get there late as I'm apt to do.... standing around isn't my thing.... The two folks on the left were headed to give me a hug and Brian wanted to tell me turn off my $*%#)$ lights!

Buzz with the red shirt is getting better after a scoot fall down, happens to the best of us.. right time, wrong place, BTDT, sigh. Glad you are doing great!

Out Rep Zoe's car, nice T bird!

OK, lots of nice T birds!!! GBG

Headin' for the head and took a shot of the rest of the folks practicing and warming up.

Well now we have the Vet line!!! Very appropriate!

And the old...

So here is ALR / PGR and what a showing! Fantastic! Sweet Ruby in front, of course!

Just a lot of bikes... When I rode in 06, we had 4 scoots, and the crowd loved us! We've gotten better count over the years!

The bright sun played "heck" with my camera, dark shadows and very bright sun... I fixed the pics best as I could, sorry...
My friend Roy C next to Jeanette J and Shirley B.

Here we get a show from Jigger and squeeze, Sr moment on the name, sigh...

Now here on the left is Cheryl and Audie... Great friends and fellow Dist 13 riders. Great to see them, its been too long! Missed them last Sunday at Menlo Park, they had the mizzeries... We had a car show for the vets and did some visiting....

Brian and Cas. Cas is our go to guy for trips to San Jose airport for PGR missions. He works in security and helps us with our scoot staging, and it is VERY much appreciated! He runs that Valk MANY miles and has fun, believe he said he has 120K on 'er! Great on Ya!

Trying to get the scope of the scoots, Mark Z in front talking to Hy L, who organized the car show in Menlo Park on Sunday! Thank you my friend!

My friend Roy C next to his scoot... The blinding back light got me again... sigh.

Ca PGR State Ride Captain Rich B sittin' on his scoot.

This scoot had great lighting, you can see a bit, the blues off the front fender, etc.

Just shooting all the scoots...

My friend and fellow ALR Dist 13 rider / PGR / WWR, Slickjohn he's a rider!

Here is Jeanettes grand daughter wearing her helmet.. A real cutie! GBG

The Pipers warming up! Love the bags!

We're getting our say once from Brian about the ride, there were sooooo many folks, it took 3 shots to get them all in. Bunker, second from right, our ALR Dist 13 Prez...

You will notice that District 13 ALR was well represented.... I'm one also...

I know this guy, he's Uncle Sam. I was in an escort for his son on a welcome home.

Hey Jake!!!! Looky who showed up!!! Eric and Gorgeous!!! GBG I had a GREAT hug!!!! Eat your heart out!!! Hope all is great in your life! He's traveling for a while...

The race is on! Har, but we're on our way!

OK, we stopped, and I took a pic of Slickjohn, Mike A. Mark Z. and Susan A behind me.

NOW we're moving, notice the feet down, normal parade routine... but the crowd loves the noise and attention and waves!

A bit of a shot from the tip of Hy's hack on the left.

Slickjohn, having a ball, I swear he was almost doing burnouts and making a lot of noise.... except for that !*)%!#)*$ squeaky horn of his, it sound like its breathing helium!

You know the drill, feet down, how else could I take a pic?

Nice line of scoots.

Lots of folks showed up and we had a great time, and I hope they did. I saw a sign along the way, Bataan Death March Survivor. I stopped and rendered a salute, and held it 'til his went down. It was an honor. God Bless!
I hope all enjoyed this years parade as much as I did! I loved the participation! Well beyond any other years, and great!

Hey!!! The Cranky dude!! GBG

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